December 02, 2010

Moving Soon !!

This blogs will be moved to another platform. Wordpress soon. Another Address will be announced as soon as possible.

November 29, 2010


Now I'm on holidays, yeayy!!! But I'm stuck in my house doing nothing except reading blog, checking my Facebook and other boring thing.

Now I'm wondering, what should I do? I don't receive my end-year exam results yet. I'm still waiting for it to come to someday. But it will not come now I guess. From the result that I obtained unofficially directly from my teachers, they're not as expected. SHIT! I got A- for my bio paper, what the hell is that? I don't deserve that I think. But what can I do now, God has set my fate in that particular way. Maybe he want to show me something, wanna teach me something, maybe.

p/s : I'm religious

The only paper I receive is bio. Now I need to go to school to obtain other marks. What a troublesome works.

p/s : I hate going to school

Other than sitting like an idiot that doesn't know what to do. I need to manage my house painting process. I need to do all the recording suggesting paint, brands, colour, taking the brochures, the paint catalogues and bla bla bla.

p/s : I hate doing works without being paid

That's all for now. Bye

I'm Sorry

Sorry guys, girls or what ever you are. Lately I've been busy with my new job at a news company. It just an online news company. So I would like to apologize if I don't update my blogs as often as I should.

Just to say sorry. More story in next post.

November 11, 2010

It's tHe EnD

At last. The moments everyone waits for, the ends of exam.
The end year exams at my school lasted until 10.11.2010 with arabic as the last paper.

Well, I think it's appropriate for me not giving my commentary on that exam.
Firstly I will start with the first paper of the exams. Malays; the paper is just normal.
The same goes with English. But modern mathematics excites me, because it's quiet easy and tough.
History is as usual, I HATE IT.
Additional mathematic is a pain in the as*.
Biology is the best.
Physic and chemistry is better.
QS is the worst after add math.
SI is okay.
Arabic is !@#$%^&*..

Well the exams is not that tough, but it's my own faults for not studying hard beforehand.
MORAL OF THE STORY : study before your exams. as ms iela abul says , read that damned dictionary. reading dictionary really helps yo a lot.



This morning, as MR Skell were talking with his friends, one of his interrupted and say :

"Todays's morning assembly will be held at school hall."

The news shock me to the core. Why?
Because I hate assembly at the HALL so much, assembly at the Principal Squares are ten times much better than the HALL. Because the HALL lacks air-conditioning, soon all the bodily heats of the student will accumulate inside the HALL and the temperature will rise.

I asked my friends why assemble at the HALL? And he said :
"The new principal is here."
And that is another surprise to me. Our late principal died on 11th of July this year, which 2010 as everyone knows. Since his death, no one is willing to replace or qualified to replace him.
After the long wait for new the Mr Principal, here it come. Not Mr, but Madam Principal.
Or properly known as Madam Rohaya Yaakob, she asked us to call her Bonda. As all principal do in Malaysia.

And now, I don't know what should I write..Bye

November 04, 2010


Many people says that Freemasonry and Illuminati aims to create a one world government.
Haven't you realize that that there a lots of them who was your friends,family or somebody you know?
Unless you know nobody who smokes, the smokers out there, they all are Illuminati.
They're trying to achieve their goal by killing everybody excepts fellow Illuminati, which is their fellow smokers.

If you're thinking that Freemasonry and Illuminati only involve high profile individual such as billionaires and The Presidents of U.S. You're wrong. They exist in all parts of our society.From High ranking military to toilets cleaner and even the homeless. As long as they smokes they all Illuminati.

Haven't you noticed that they always carries the symbol of Illuminati with them. The burning cinder of the smokes provide illumination which is the symbol of Illuminati and the lighter they use also a form of Illumination.

Also they are the supporter of the cigarettes company owner who is mainly members of Freemasonry. They're doing so to support their own organization and to attract more people to help them pursuing their's goal.

They will kill everybody around them with the cigarettes they inhale. They are immune to it because they inhale that smokes daily. But we the normal population would suffer many complications from the smokes and soon die.

So if you don't want to be dominated by The Illuminati, discriminate smokers. There is no need to do rehab to smokers because they're determined to conquer the world. They will not stop pursuing their dreams...

this is just a scams...a stupid conspiracy theory...if you're dumb enough,,believe it


Smokers should be hanged to death. Why? Because they are killing people around them and killing themselves.
Am I right? Definitely, because if you slowly poison someone to death, you will be charged for murder.
The same goes for smokers, they slowly poisoning people around them.
Leading their victim and themselves to many chronic disease and bodily damages.

So I support the act of punishing to smokers to death because they kill peoples around themselves.
Could you imagine a father who is poisoning his own child, that is what smokers do.
A husband poisoning his wife to death, smokers do that.
A best friends killing his/her own friends, smoker also do that.
Smokers is KILLING PEOPLE AROUND THEM. Keep that in mind.

They're the worse villains in the world.

Employer around the world, fire your employees who smokes, they're killing you.

October 30, 2010

Thank You and Hello

Firstly I want to thank to Tina Chen for designing the theme Awesome Inc. as I used it  in this blog for now.

And now I'm saying hello to the world....Hello

This is the blog of MR Skell Ulysses. formerly known as mR doMo...