November 04, 2010


Smokers should be hanged to death. Why? Because they are killing people around them and killing themselves.
Am I right? Definitely, because if you slowly poison someone to death, you will be charged for murder.
The same goes for smokers, they slowly poisoning people around them.
Leading their victim and themselves to many chronic disease and bodily damages.

So I support the act of punishing to smokers to death because they kill peoples around themselves.
Could you imagine a father who is poisoning his own child, that is what smokers do.
A husband poisoning his wife to death, smokers do that.
A best friends killing his/her own friends, smoker also do that.
Smokers is KILLING PEOPLE AROUND THEM. Keep that in mind.

They're the worse villains in the world.

Employer around the world, fire your employees who smokes, they're killing you.

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